All Clusters on Deck for the ENMC Presidium Transition

Francis Vallat, originally co- founder and 1st Vice-President of the ENMC (which was created in 2005 in his Paris office) and current Chairman since 2011, decided to resign from his chairmanship on the occasion of the annual meeting which was held in Elsinore, Denmark from October 25th to 26th. After six years at the head […]


VINCENZO PETRONE (PRESIDENTE ASSONAVE E CONSIGLIERE DELLA FEDERAZIONE DEL MARE) ELETTO VICEPRESIDENTE ENMC European Network of Maritime Clusters: il 25 e 26 ottobre ad Elsinore, in Danimarca, si è tenuta l’Assemblea annuale di European Network of Maritime Clusters (ENMC), l’organizzazione che riunisce i cluster marittimi degli stati dello Spazio economico europeo. L’Assemblea ha eletto nuovo […]