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The last weeks and months have been a rollercoaster for all of us. Almost every European country has taken strict measures to protect the health of its citizens and manage the impact of the worldwide health crisis. Due to the closing of borders and a steep decline in industrial production European countries are faced with a falling demand and see their economies heading for a downfall. Economic and financial packages are introduced on a European level and on national levels.

In this newsletter we would like to share a few key items that impact the whole of the maritime industry.

1. Many countries have taken economic and financial measures. Keeping track of all of them is quite a task. The IMF COVID tracker is very helpful in understanding the statistics of countries worldwide. The tracker can be found via the following link:


2. Renewal and/ or introduction of strategies of the European Commission is continuing. Two topics that are on the agenda and which are relevant to our cluster:

  1. A European strategy on the future of the blue economy.
  2. A strategy on renewable (offshore) energy.

Both are relevant however ENMC can play its best role in contributing to the blue economy strategy as it combines the various interests of all of our niche sectors. Both strategies will be developed coming months/ this year.

3. Early March the European Commission announced the climate law to meet the EU’s 2050 net zero emissions target. The climate law has to be approved by the European Parliament and member states. For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-climate-action/law_en

Furthermore the Technical Expert Group (TEG) has published its final report on the EU Taxonomy in the first half of March. The Taxonomy gives a clear view of what can be seen as green finance and which investments can be labeled as sustainable. More information is found on via the link:  https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/business_economy_euro/banking_and_finance/documents/200309-sustainable-finance-teg-final-report-taxonomy_en.pdf

4. Relevant events (some have been postponed until a later date):

  1. European Maritime Days were to take place 14 – 15 May in Cork and are postponed to later date possibly this year.
  2. COP26 (UN Climate Conference) was scheduled for November this year in Glasgow and has been postponed to a later date, yet unknown.
  3. The yearly international WISTA conference is planned for 16 – 18 September in Hamburg. More information via www.wistainternational2020.com