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What a year it was. We started off with a good event in Brussels in February and soon after Europe went into lockdown. Thanks to digital systems and your flexibility we were able to connect and discuss maritime matters. What 2021 has in store for us is yet to be found out but I am looking forward to continue our cooperation and calls and hopefully we can meet after summer.

A few things I would like to share with you and please send me an e-mail or give me a call when you have remarks or questions.

  • EU Green Deal. As you are probably all aware there is the debate on a European emission trading system (ETS) for maritime. The consultation has opened and will last until the 5th of February.

In terms of funding for green projects the draft delegated act linked to the EU Taxonomy for maritime is subject to consultation until today. Many associations and companies shared their views. The delegated act provides criteria on how assess whether a transaction lives up to the EU Taxonomy. Question is whether the criteria do support the energy transition or that they are too rigid. More information can be found via EU taxonomy for sustainable activities | European Commission (europa.eu)

  • The EU strategy for offshore renewable energy was published on the 19th of November. The strategy is linked to the climate neutral goal in 2050 and focus is on increasing the capacity for offshore wind significantly from 12 GW today to 300 GW in 2050. Floating assets (wind and solar) are part of the strategy and the relevance of a solid long term framework to attract financing parties. More to be read at offshore_renewable_energy_strategy.pdf (europa.eu)

–          Since quite a few of you are interested in better usage of data the data regulation is interesting to follow up on. On the 25th of November the European Commission announced new rules for data and data sharing in order to enhance the competitiveness of the internal market. Please find more via European Data Governance | Shaping Europe’s digital future (europa.eu)


  • Of interest to all of us is the strategic importance of the maritime cluster for the European economy. Green and digital recovery is a key item on the agenda. The renewed industry strategy is schedules for first half of 2021 and it provides a good moment to strengthen the maritime position. The various maritime sectors contribute in many ways to Europe’s society and should be known. I will follow up specifically on this topic in January but please note within your clusters the debate in Parliament.
  • Very recently the sustainable and smart mobility strategy was launched by the European Commission. An extensive series of documents that involves all relevant topics linked to transport. It includes delivering of zero emission vessels in 2030. Happy to share my analysis with you after the Holiday break. For now please find the relevant documents at A fundamental transport transformation (europa.eu)

–         During our last ENMC meeting we spoke about the mission Starfish that has a focus on healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters. Coordinator is Pascal Lamy, former CEO of the World Trade Organization. The report is worth a read and I would to like to continue our dialogue on this. Please find more information via https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/mission-starfish-2030-restore-our-ocean-and-waters_en

  • A potentially interesting conferencing has been announced for 2021: the G-STIC 2021 will take place in Dubai. In the 2020 edition focus was also on ocean health and maritime sustainability. For the 2021 edition the maritime theme could be centered around digitalization. Please have a look at the website and let me know if you would like to hear more about it: https://www.expo2020dubai.com; http://www.luxembourgexpo2020dubai.lu/en/;  https://www.cc2020.lu


21 dicembre 2020